So I know it’s been a while since my last post, too long to be exact. We’ve had quite a few weddings since then, double bookings, all the while working in the air-conditionless Crockpot that is our studio. The rest of the AddVision men have been all over Ohio – down to Cincinnati for a Tim Burton’s corpse bride party and up to Cleveland with a beach side adventure (heck yes, we travel!).
At the beginning of July, both the AddVision video and photo teams made their way out to the Northstar Golf Club up in Delaware, Ohio, for Aaron and Rana’s wedding. The country air was a great departure from the crowded city skies. Northstar granted us the equivalent of the presidential golf cart motorcade, rolling dirty, 9 carts deep. That’s as gangster as they get up in Delaware, Ohio. After puttsing around the course, we returned with quite a bit more perspiration, but completely tick free. Take that, Lyme disease.
While Aaron and Rana were only interested in the video, including the ceremony and toasters – the five-hour package deal – we decided to come a bit earlier in order to capture some preparation footage. By including the ‘getting ready’ business (hair primping, dress bustling, G&T pounding), it allows us to better sculpt your wedding video into a cinematic experience that would make Michael Bay blush. Explosions are optional.
We rarely have the chance, but for this wedding we were granted the wonderful opportunity to work with fellow AddVisioners, Bryce and Mac, photographer extraordinaires. There is a complicated and tenuous waltz that occurs between the photography and videography teams. Like any relationship, it takes the patience of a Hindu cow and the unapologetic chutzpah of a Jewish mother. In order to hold their audience’s attention, photographers must quickly usher their subject through the gamut of various jumping positions and 90’s album cover poses. Videographers must tastefully ask to step in and have their own slow dance with the happy couple. I don’t recall there being any confrontation, but it’s always nice to have someone from your own team, a wingman at your side telling you “you got this, man.” Go team AddVision!
We love every minute of our job, and we love it even more when we can work with our friends and be with great people, like Rana and Aaron. Congrats, you two love birds!